onsdag 11 februari 2015

First days in Kolandoto

Almost a week has passed in Tanzania and we have started to settle in our new home. The village feels very safe and the people in Kolandoto are very friendly.  We have been assigned translators, Kassim and Robert, who have become valuable members of our team. In addition, technicians and staff responsible for the water system has helped us as well. The whole team is presented in the figure.

 The water team
During the last few days we have tried to get an overview of the current situation here in Kolandoto. Our supervisor, Mikael, just left Kolandoto for other projects in Tanzania. Together we have mapped the whole water distribution system, from the borehole to the tanks. We have also investigated the current waste and sanitation systems here in the hospital.

We have also had meetings with the hospital management where we explained the whole project and discussed relevant infrastructure issues. 

The following days, me and Daniel will make assessments on the borehole in order to determine if more water can be extracted. This morning a pump test was made, where the water flow from the borehole was determined. Further test will be carried out this week to ensure the actual capacity of the borehole.

Test pumping


2 kommentarer:

  1. Intressant att följa ert arbete. Roligt att ni verkar väl mottagna.
    Stefan K

  2. Verkar som ni kommit igång riktigt bra. Imponerande!
