tisdag 24 februari 2015

Pump test

During this weekend a nine hour long pump test was made in the existing borehole by the company Wedeco Ltd. The pumping started at 13 and finished around 22. Also a recovery test was made by me and Daniel for one hour after the pumping was finalized. Conducting the pump test during a weekend was the best solution since the water supply will be very limited. The hospitals need of water is less in the weekend compared to a normal weekday. 
A meeting with the company is planned on Thursday to discuss the results. Wedeco Ltd also works with fluoride removal from drinking water in other regions in Tanzania and a possible study visit will be discussed on Thursday.

Picture from the pump test
Unfortunately one of the pipes broke when the old pump was inserted into the borehole again, causing a limited water supply for the past few days. However, spare parts were obtained from Shinyanga yesterday and the pump was back running by the evening.

Our plan for this week is to start with the electricity-part of the project. On Wednesday, Dr. Katani will show us the Eye Theatre, including machines which have a need for an uninterrupted power supply. A more extensive inventory will be on-going during the following weeks.

Also, on Wednesday there is a football game between Shinyanga – Kolandoto which we will attend to, and this weekend we will visit the Ngorogoro crater together with our neighbor, Lotta.

1 kommentar:

  1. Spännande, fantastiskt att kunna åstadkomma resultat med så små medel. Bra jobbat! Kul med lite fotboll som avkoppling efter en lång arbetsdag:-)♥
